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Team Meeting

Joel Symmes


Erstwhile rental property owner & landlord


Anu Pareek MBA, PMP



Frank Bravo

Technical Lead - Bravo ITC


Mark Cowtan

Marketing Lead - RightSize Marketing 


Ryan Pierce MBS, CPA

Advisor - Financial & Business

Joel Symmes


Erstwhile rental property owner & landlord



Frank Bravo

Technical Lead - Bravo ITC



Mark Cowtan

Marketing Lead - RightSize Marketing



Ryan Pierce MBS, CPA

Advisor - Financial & Business

OUR Purpose

The purpose is to provide better and safer personal data qualification for rental tenancy.  Our focus is on the tenant... in which we strive to create tools and methods that will enhance and elevate the tenant and provide a full and complete profile that accurately reflects each individual.

What we are aspiring to achieve with this website and current FREE offer. is an emerging business that is seeking funding to build the tools and services mentioned in this website.  We are seeking market validation to show investors there is a need and interest for these services.  

Contact us:


We are eager to hear your comments and suggestions.  Please contact us with any ideas or concerns.  We guarantee your comments will be addressed as soon as we can and you will get a sincere response from our team.  Thank you for your interest.


WE SHARE NO USER INFORMATION - because we can't.  We do not have access to user information beyond name and contact email.  Data provided in the application is solely the property of the user and those they choose share it with or provide it to.

Technical Support values Customer Service and strives to provide a rapid and complete response to any user concerns.  We value user interest in the services we provide and we value making sure your interactions in our programs are the best possible.

751 East Blithdale Avenue  No. 985

Mill Valley, CA. 94942



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